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Keelback t1_j8mk5j8 wrote

If you email the author they will most likely sent it to you for free as they usually not paid for it. I did that with another paper.


ssr12321 t1_j8nczkl wrote

Do you happen to have da Vinci's email? I would love to see the original study.


Keelback t1_j8qutb6 wrote

Wouldn't we all. It is simply amazing that we are still finding out how brilliant he was.


greenirishsaint t1_j8mlewb wrote

You can also Interlibrary Loan the article. Request it thru any library and they’ll get a copy of the article emailed to you or printed.


7LeagueBoots t1_j8pbtj6 wrote

I find using ResearchGate is one of the best ways of doing that. If the paper isn't already there for download they have "request text" button to contact the authors directly.

The paper isn't there for download, but it is listed and the "request text" button is active:


Keelback t1_j8qupny wrote

Brilliant. Thanks. I request the paper.