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Devil-sAdvocate t1_ja5zeys wrote


ManannanMacLir74 t1_ja5zpzk wrote

How is what?Are you going to be obtuse and refuse to watch the video?


Devil-sAdvocate t1_ja5ztty wrote

Link a peer reviewed scientific written paper, anyone can make a random video.


ManannanMacLir74 t1_ja6078g wrote

What?If your going to discuss an academic level YouTube channel then we have nothing further to discuss and peer review means absolutely nothing


ManannanMacLir74 t1_ja60fbc wrote

You're going to parrot peer review yet more than a few scientific studies and papers have exposed the flaws in it and argue it's ineffective nature.

Do you want those studies or papers too?


MisterFistYourSister t1_ja6bl7q wrote

Why does your video carry more weight than peer review?


ManannanMacLir74 t1_ja6hwvc wrote

Peer review isn't really reliable but it's still used so why would I refer back to a flawed method?
