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Tap_Z_or_R_Twice t1_jdv2xpm wrote


Ctotheg t1_jdvfd8n wrote

Braveheart was the nickname for King Robert the Bruce, not William Wallace.

And when Wallace was executed it was worse than the film: Four different horses, one per limb, dragged Wallace for miles to his execution. He was hanged almost to the point of death, before being taken down and horrifically mutilated. While still breathing, his genitals were sliced off, his entrails pulled out, and his innards burned in front of him. It was only then Wallace was decapitated and dismembered. Wallace's head was placed on London Bridge, while the four quarters of his body were placed in Stirling, Aberdeen, Berwick, and Newcastle.


[deleted] t1_jdvg1xh wrote



[deleted] t1_jdvufuj wrote



AuntieDawnsKitchen t1_jdvum5d wrote

And yet not as disturbing as the fact that Princess Isabella would have been 3 at that point.


leicanthrope t1_jdwijoz wrote

Apparently the author is a descendent, or at least claims to be. The earlier drafts of the script are much more one-sided and fanboy-esque, to the point where they're approaching "everybody clapped" territory.


DeusEx-Machinist t1_jdx9e49 wrote

Many years ago when I was in high school, my teacher told us that Wallace was castrated first, then drug by horse. I'm not sure which is worse, frankly.


Knows_all_secrets t1_jdv660z wrote

Just like it would be slightly historical if there was a film about George Washington wearing a modern day business suit and a native war bonnet sneaking his forces across the Delaware Bridge in the night.


supafluous t1_jdv9md3 wrote

Preposterous. Surely he would use the Washington Crossing Bridge.