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Afraid_Concert549 t1_ir9p9fc wrote

> Let's assume this theory is correct

It is not. It is a crackpot conspiracy theory.

> ...and that there never was an invasion or mass migration of Germanic peoples to the British Isles in the early medieval period.

Why would you do this? It is as dumb as assuming there was never an invasion or mass migration of Italic peoples (the Romans) into Gaul or Hispania.

> In that case, how the hell did a new Germanic language spring up on an island that had previously only spoken variations of Latin and Celtic?

There are only two possibilities - either the Germanic language we know as English isn't actually spoken in Britain, or the Angle-Saxon-Jute denialists are cranks.

Hint: English is spoken in Britain.


Imaginary_Engine5052 t1_irb7zyq wrote

"Crackpot" theory is a little harsh. It was a thing for a while when history did one of its "everything is wrong, let's start from scratch" things a few years ago. It was always at the extreme, iconoclastic end of history/archaeology (and some archaeological theories have always been a little "out there") but it was a school of thought for a while. Never a good theory, but definitely a theory and it helped to reset the debate a little bit.