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heinzbumbeans t1_itk964j wrote

sorry, dont know what went wrong. ill try again but less fancy.,of%20the%20traditions%20of%20Samhain.

and another incase that didnt work:

im no expert, i was just curious by what you said so looked it up. im doing so, i assumed that what you said about the romans having halloween in 600ish was true, and so when i read about Samhain and it coming before that, i reckoned the romans must have been influenced by the celts rather than the other way around, since Samhain does sound awfully halloweeny, what with the dressing up to ward off/fool spirits and the portals to the spirit world and such, (im scottish and was taught the last part as a child, i have no idea if that idea extends to america and elsewhere) whereas the roman festivals around the same time sound far less halloweeny.


AramaicDesigns t1_itky2pv wrote

Britanica repeats a number of woozles about Halloween that – despite having a citation pedigree – do not have primary historical sources to support them.