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Predditor-Drone t1_itktmgc wrote

>But mythological figures usually possess no physical artefacts, them being mythical and all...

Do... do you think this article is about archaeologists finding an amulet they say belonged to the god of thunder? Because it's just a symbol that humans made. It didn't literally belong to Thor.


ElephantsAreHeavy t1_itkxgft wrote

The use of a possessive noun would suggest otherwise.


Predditor-Drone t1_itl0g9e wrote

Man, wait til you find out about Odin’s horn, Apollo’s chariot, and all the other symbols that exist in art that didn’t actually belong to the thing they’re named after.

Things I never thought I would have to explain to an adult.


onewingedangel3 t1_itm0jom wrote

Most McDonald's aren't owned by a guy named McDonald, but are named and designed after a restaurant owned by a guy named McDonald. In the same way, this amulet wasn't owned by Thor, but was named and designed after a hammer that was supposedly owned by Thor.