Aaroncls t1_iurul14 wrote
Ernesto "che" Guevara's exploits were and still are more myth than anything else in the cuban revolution era.
He and the other leading barbudos (bearded men) glorified their roles to great extent to be symbols of revolutionary glory. Che was well known as a cruel executioner at the "triumph of the revolution".
Fidel Castro was a very astute leader, but he did not put himself in direct danger according to the testimonies of other desilusioned rebels.
Now there were really brave fighters in the war, one of them being the beloved Camilo Cienfuegos who presumably got taken out post revolution with other leaders (because they did not want to Cuba to be communist) in the early 60's.
In any case, Playa Girón/Bahia de cochinos was a CIA clusterfuck that JFK refused to back up over the threats of nuclear war. It was an easy win for Castro, and there are stories that he was panicked until it became clear the invasion was small time. Then he showed up after the conflict ended and that's where they shot that picture of him jumping off a tank for a good morsel of propaganda.
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