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Ferengi_Earwax t1_ivz2orr wrote

Most polytheism follows the same rules. The gods are powerful and represent fate, nature, or forces they didn't understand. They didn't care for humans, unless you made a deal with them with a sacrifice. The gods were expected to return the favor after the sacrifice. Roman and Greek priests served a myriad of functions. They served as judges, as actual priests thar conducted rituals, they kept the calender, they kept time, they stored the treasury, they stored peoples wills, they acted as a pension system to the poor, and they also were hospitals at some temples. All of the government services we have now were basically wrapped up into religion and the temple system. That is except law making and politics. That being said, the senate house in Rome, the forum and the immediate area was a vast religious complex made up of a vast number of temples and buildings where justice/law was conducted under the eyes of the gods. There almost always was some type of boundary delineating the sacred precincts.