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porkchop2022 t1_ivwcwob wrote

Are there any links to view the footage? I’m curious as hell to see what they found.


0_0_0 t1_ivwffi7 wrote


92894952620273749383 t1_ivwsb4y wrote

Is going to be mystery of bermuda triangle, again? i hope they would be more respectful.


3percentinvisible t1_ivxalf8 wrote

It's because the divers were filming that episode when they discovered the piece


pinotandsugar t1_ix14gyq wrote

I'm surprised that there is such a big deal about finding a piece. I know they searched a large area but given the vast area in which debris landed it is likely that there is a lot more out there.


92894952620273749383 t1_ivxd6qs wrote

I'm glad they found it.

I just wish they change the tone. Its not right to present it in that format. Someone more articulate than me could probably describe it better.


rz2000 t1_ivy9v4o wrote

I think you're saying that including the find in one of their spooky mysteries(!) episodes is like treating it as part of their no-value, highly self-indulgent, entertainment.

I was walking to a meeting at 3 World Trade center when the first plane flew over my head, and everyone on the street ran because of the visible cloud of debris above us after it hit. No one I knew was killed, but many of my friends did lose people. A few years later a coworker based in Nebraska was at dinner with a group of New Yorkers, totally treating the entire incident as fodder for his mental masturbation. Sorry guy, I'm not interested in hearing about how there were no actual planes, or who knows a friend who knows a friend who has some of the dust that could be sampled, and, if you don't keep it down a litle someone in this restaurant who did lose a spouse or a child might come over and knock your lights out.

Real investigations into the truth behind disasters are extremely helpful in preventing future accidents, and in helping bring closure to victims. Nutty conpiracy theorizing, where all of the endorphins for the truthers come from disordered seeking out of mystery and not-knowingness, and automatically throwing out any facts once they become certain enough to feel mundane, is very different than slowly and deliberately building up facts necessary for a narrative that actually gets close to explaining most of what happened.


-TheTechGuy- t1_ivzc7b5 wrote

TBF, from the trailer it seems like they're more "theory busting" than trying to prove there's a mystery about the bermuda triangle.

Either way it looks like an interesting show if you like shipwrecks.


msherretz t1_ivzaqsv wrote

And screen grabs will be all over Space Reddit


MoMedic9019 t1_ivwuzsu wrote

Its a part of the shuttle itself, likely from underneath the payload bay doors.


Spaceguy5 t1_ivwxwgr wrote

Not under the doors, but the very bottom of the vehicle. The belly of the vehicle was covered in square shaped tiles and a relatively flat shape, which matches the piece that they found.

Under the doors were radiators, and the doors for the most part had no tiles on them


Schnort t1_ivzsu6t wrote

The entire bottom of the shuttle had black tiles, so this piece is likely not from the bottom (unless the black tiles bleached in their stint in the ocean or they stopped using black, but I don't think they did).


Spaceguy5 t1_ivzt5nv wrote

The tiles are white on the inside, and these tiles look pretty clearly like the tops were ripped off. You can also see bits of black on the sides of some of the tiles that are still there.


Schnort t1_ivztnnf wrote

Very possible. Looking closer at the video shows a veneer of black around the edges of the tiles near the buried surface.

I would have assumed the entire tile was made from a black ceramic, and not just the outer veneer.

I'm assuming the tops weren't ripped off, but just eroded by sand and ocean currents. (You can see rounded cavities and voids typical of erosion in the video)


Spaceguy5 t1_ivzu0k8 wrote

True, could have been erosion and ocean currents wearing them down as well.

The inside of the tiles is pretty much a foam like texture (extremely porous), except it's hard and made out of silica. And then they would add either a white or a hard black coating on the outside