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Larielia t1_iw3ak7z wrote

What are some good books about Rome during Late Antiquity? And also early Medieval Italy.


Sgt_Colon t1_iw5htsw wrote

These are good and varied collection of texts that you'd find on any decent university level course and are accessible to the layman:

  • The World of Late Antiquity: AD 150-750 by Peter Brown
  • The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilisation by Bryan Ward-Perkins
  • The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians by Peter Heather
  • Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 by Guy Halsall

Really anything on the /r/AskHistorians book list for late antiquity is good, modern reading (although Jones is something to only skim unless you're studying it in earnest).