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SirAzalot t1_ix71keo wrote

Where the author of this article really looses me is when they refer to the danger of pseudo archaeology and Hancock. He’s a goof ball who’s found some plausible evidence for civilisation being older than thought and cooked up some goofy explanations as a nice cherry on top. The fact that experts flip their lid and point at right wing bogey men when questioned by gen pop only lends the crazies credibility.


I_I_O_I_I t1_ix7954b wrote

Nah, he’s a crackpot with flawed methodology who keeps spreading ideas rooted in anti-intellectualism while repeating the same theories that already has a century-old connection to nazis and white supremacy. He’s not as outlandish as the ancient alien nutjobs, or as racist as the German nazi regime that bought into Atlantis theories because they convinced themselves that the superior, advanced Atlantians were the ancestors of the aryan race who taught the ”inferior” cultures how shit is done; but he sure as hell keeps fueling the anti-intellectual, conspiracy-theory-obsessed fire while chipping away at the public’s critical thinking skills one missleading argument at a time. People like him is why more and more people are convinced that the earth is flat, vaccines are micro-chipped, and that Q soon will reveal himself as JFK reincarnated. He’s not the diagnosis, but he’s absolutely a symptom. Watch any long-form interview with the guy (like many people who find the Netflix show fascinating most likely will) and he’ll spend just as much time fearmongering about mainstream academia being a homogenic, dogmatic institution out to brainwash the public as he will making his insane arguments

At the end of the day, his hypothesis just doesn’t hold up to even the most basic scrutiny, which has been shown again and again and again. And each time he’ll just brush off any legitimate criticism from experts as ”personal attacks” or ”censorship”. The guy’s a grifter who knows that it’s in his best interest to undermine the public’s trust in actual research. We can joke about shows like Ancient Aliens all day long, but they truly have done real damage not only to people’s understanding of history and their trust of scientists and academia, but to their critical thinking skills as a whole.
