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Painting_Agency t1_ixja9gh wrote

> The "problem" with objectively believing folklore or oral traditions without any other evidence is that they are folklore and oral traditions.

They're not believed without any other evidence. Traditional stories can be used for "hypothesis generating"; suggesting what we can then examine using other methods.

> A story that gets retold thousands or tens of thousands of times is going to change slightly with each retelling

The link suggests that Aboriginal storytellers often have some kind of familial oath or expectation to maintain accuracy in the oral tradition. If they're keeping references to islands that no longer exist, rather than adjusting stories to fit their absence, then there must be a belief that that information is important to maintain. Even if it has no practical purpose.


Pornalt190425 t1_ixjbxca wrote

To your first point, I alluded to that in the 2nd paragraph. To your second point, which link are you referring to? I did not see anything in the article about aboriginal storytellers unless I missed it


Painting_Agency t1_ixjmeoc wrote

Sorry, for some reason I thought this was linked to in the comment we were threading.

> How could such tales survive hundreds of generations without being written down?

> “There are aspects of storytelling in Australia that involved kin-based responsibilities to tell the stories accurately,” Reid said. That rigor provided “cross-generational scaffolding” that “can keep a story true.”


Pornalt190425 t1_ixkaoi4 wrote

Thanks for sharing that it was an interesting read! I guess with the right cultural carrots and sticks you could trust the story is being more accurately carried down the generations


Painting_Agency t1_ixkhyv4 wrote

The Norse skalds recited their sagas as verse so it was easier to remember them verbatim... But they weren't maintaining that oral tradition checksum for 400 generations 😮