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Red_dragon_052 t1_iy1atdd wrote

The Japanese were sending out diplomats for the US constantly prior to Pearl Harbor, partly it was in earnest, but it soon became a cover for the coming attack. The US only really had 1 demand too end the oil embargo, Japan needed to leave China and stop murdering millions, which Japan was not willing to do. Instead they decided to expand their wars of aggression.


_softlite t1_iy1q9ss wrote

The US was more concerned with protecting their interests in the pacific (namely the Philippines) than any humanitarian concern for China—though certainly they opposed this.


oCools t1_iy39hn7 wrote

The Japanese were looked down upon by the US for quite some time, same with Southeast Asia in general. The Immigration Act of 1924, and the others before it which excluded Asian immigrants. The internal pressure the Executive put on the Judicial regarding Executive Order 9066 in Hirabayashi v US, and further Korematsu v US, including the falsification of evidence by the Executive. Hell, the US levelled virtually every urban region in Japan. I doubt America, especially under Roosevelt, cared deeply for the atrocities taking place in China. They just didn't want Japan to threaten nearby Allied territories.