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onetimenative t1_iyq6uip wrote

The texts and pieces that survive.

Imagine losing 99% of all global data 1,000 years from now ... there was a huge catastrophe, an asteroid hit the planet and blew away half the surface and much of what was left barely survived. A few thousand humans survive but they lose all of civilization and are thrown back to hunter survival mode. A couple hundred years go by and people start to pick up the pieces of their lost ancestors.

They find a partial chapter of the Bible, a few pages of the Koran, some Hebrew texts, a dozen books on New York tax law, a partial copy of hustler magazine and your complete personal written journal with all its writing and doodles.


SpinachTraditional12 t1_iyqk15o wrote

>…your complete personal written journal with all its writing and doodles.

Oh, my journal is going to be one of the representatives of the culture of our time? Hmm… brb, I suddenly have a lot of boobs and penises I need to draw in my journal.


lostgirl11 t1_iyqw4ih wrote

That's all they have ever done.

The lost world is bigger than anything you've ever known or will know. Mathematically you're gonna die before you reach a conclusion worthy of permanent anything.

There's enough love and gravity to spend lifetimes on. Let alone everything we are too dumb to know or acknowledge yet


worotan t1_iys86uq wrote

You could just have written that we continue to do nothing serious about climate change. That will disrupt society enough that history disappears as people use their energy trying to survive in a world that has fallen apart.

The society that results will use its energy to look forward, not back, as it’s resources don’t allow for all the effort required for the upkeep of historical records.

Just going off what has happened in the previous examples of society breaking down; and this one will be much, much worse.