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Aridius t1_iz673fe wrote

Julius Caesar was never tribune of the plebs.

Your post has little merit to the topic at hand in general; Roman religion was rife with new cults at all times.


SnooConfections6085 t1_iz67w41 wrote

Well TBF both of the Graccus brothers and Gaius Marius, the political vector that leads to Caesar and the Empire, were tribunes of the plebs. And Caesar was above that, he was Pontifex Maximus (basically the pope) well before becoming dictator.


Aridius t1_iz68jab wrote

Yes, the office of the tribune was used by the Gracci to destabilize the politically fragile late Roman republic; though I doubt they were meaning to do so.

Clodius was a contemporary of Caesar in the same vein, famously giving up his patrician status and being adopted into a plebeian family to run for the office.