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YellowApricot2 t1_j0fvnkm wrote

I seem to recall that global warming was a factor that lead to the fall of the western Roman empire.


ReptileBat t1_j0g1wtr wrote

We think that event was around 536 AD. A volcanic eruption may have caused a global cooling that lasted several years and devastated crops. Western Rome was technically still around but largely dissolved at this point… they would have fallen with or without the temperature shift.


rbk12spb t1_j0g9lkx wrote

Its kind of ironic that something similar happened around the time of Constantinople's fall. Environmental conditions have a huge impact


ReptileBat t1_j0hymhr wrote

One thing you learn from studying history is that it repeats itself constantly… studying Rome is fascinating because there is a large amount of similarities with early USA history.. I’m referring to the republic (509 BC - 27 BC)


Sternjunk t1_j0ifleg wrote

Hopefully military dictators don’t start marching their troops into Washington D.C. over and over


rbk12spb t1_j0ldkxa wrote

Don't worry a volcano will erupt and the end will be nigh! Those mega volcanoes always know when to dump a load to end some crazy streak


Sternjunk t1_j0lzf7j wrote

Mother Nature just won’t let us have expansive immortal empires.


leopetri t1_j0gbtku wrote

I read the opposite, ancient Rome enjoyed a relatively warm and stable period until circa 400 AD. Roman warm period


YellowApricot2 t1_j0gde3q wrote

Yup! And so Attila the Hun ruled during the 5th century and the fall of the western Roman empire happened during the fifth century.