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MrHollandsOpium t1_j2vgsix wrote

The church in Nyamata is intentionally left like that. The Rwandan Government has taken out LOTS of money to upgrade certain sites of the genocide. They left Nyamata alone because of its rawness


masklinn t1_j2w64sk wrote

That sounds a lot like WWII sites which were left as-is for remembrance.


coolcoenred t1_j2wen53 wrote

Reminds me of the Sarajevo roses


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_j2xhamw wrote

My friends from Montenegro? Im sure i spelled it wrong. Said they were finally rebuilding or fixing there war torn home in ole yugolslavia. This was like 5 or so years. Ago. Unreal.


MadsMikkelsenisGryFx t1_j2xpv3l wrote

When the local government renovated Jallianwala Bagh they kept the walls and the well the same way.