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t1_j2w69fo wrote

Any good books on the subject? Been to Rwanda briefly and wanted to learn more about the specifics as well as the bigger picture…


t1_j2wf74p wrote

Shake Hands with the Devil is really good. It's written by Romeo Dellaire, the Canadian commander of UN forces in Rwanda. It doesn't necessarily have the best overall view, but it is best for understanding how the international community failed to help Rwanda.


t1_j2whvd6 wrote

An outstanding book. It does a great job detailing the atmosphere in Rwanda before and during the genocide, and also breaks down the complete and utter ineptitude of the UN in treating it as a “peacekeeping” mission, which prevented them from stopping the genocide in its tracks.


t1_j2x2tuj wrote

We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families

By Philip Gourevitch


t1_j2xdoez wrote

I second this book. Very harrowing read. Philip is a French journalist, and he actually places a lot of blame on France in this book.


t1_j30mokh wrote

Alison Des Forges “Leave None to Tell thé Tale” is the definitive account of the genocide. It demonstrates how it was planned, and how it was pretty well known that it was going to happen and how the International community basically chose to do nothing.