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PrusPrusic t1_j3duxab wrote

So basically you're trying to tell me that an army's greatness is measured in K/D ratio? That's so silly that I don't really feel the need to continue this discussion. The Red Army could've rolled into Lisabon in the autumn of '45.


Skeptical-_- t1_j3e70z7 wrote

>So basically you're trying to tell me that an army's greatness is measured in K/D ratio?

Not at all.

You're the one who brought up performance. Which I called out as that’s an odd approach considering the well known performance issues of the soviets. So it pointed to extreme bias and or misinformation.

My original comment also included “By war's end the Soviet armed forces numbered 11,365,000 officers and men” - "In 1945 as the defeat of Germany and Japan neared, U.S. military personnel numbered 12,209,238”. That’s just pure numbers of people when you factor in equipment/training/allies the difference is stark.

"The Red Army could've rolled into Lisabon in the autumn of '45." 👀