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CornusKousa t1_j5ks3cv wrote

This is how they found countless undiscovered henges and iron age forts in England. They lidar scanned the landscape and gave the public access to the files. The power of hundreds of bored turned tenacious pensioners did the rest.


FalseWonder2630 t1_j5l5p2o wrote

Does anyone in the UK have anymore info on this?.. I'd love have a look for myself. Got some spots in Yorkshire in mind...


phoebsmon t1_j5mnyw7 wrote

If you've got a newer Pro model iPhone, a drone and some gaffa tape then you could always DIY it. I guess.


I-Make-Maps91 t1_j5udbbp wrote

That's why I'm so excited about the improvements in AI. We have every increasing wide spectrum imagery and lidar for most of the planet, but trying to find a building in the Amazon is still a needle in a stack of needles. A pattern recognizing AI will be able to blitz through the mountains of data faster than any amount of human processing.