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OphidianEtMalus t1_j5mhg9j wrote

It is well documented the homosexuals are and were monitored on BYU campus and beyond.

"Gays have in the past complained of harassment from BYU Security in Salt Lake City and even in areas as far away as St. George. Mike, a gay returned missionary said, “I’ve seen BYU Security officers in Salt Lake City at the cruise areas driving past lines of cars leaning out the window taking pictures of not only the license and cars, but of the passengers inside of them also.”"

I don't know that these practices continued in the 90s, when I was there, but scrupulous self and peer policing was and remains standard practice: "You never know when they’re surveilling you, so what happens is, people surveilled themselves more ferociously and effectively than they ever would even if [BYU] had armed guards [enforcing the code].”

There was also entrapment, or at least coerced exposure of gay friends, by people undergoing forced conversion therapy at BYU.--something the then-president recently denied happened on his watch.


earthman34 t1_j5n0ocp wrote

Everybody interested in this topic needs to read John Rechy's The Sexual Outlaw.


badmancatcher t1_j5nw14t wrote

I'll follow that up thansk!

And Hunphrey Lauds Tearoom Trade (despite the ethical problems). Also George Chaunceys Gay New York and Matt Cooks A New City of Friends.

I can pull out more if people want!


IllustriousArcher199 t1_j5ogek2 wrote

States of desire by Edmund White was a pretty good. He writes about the state of gay life in different states, and he particularly mentions Utah. Of course, things have changed, but it gives you a sense of life for gay men in different states and cities pre 1980s.


badmancatcher t1_j5oi02s wrote

I will check that too. I'm doing a PhD around the subject area, so I'm just absorbing information at the moment


[deleted] t1_j5ojmpc wrote

in 1952 alan turing was arrested for acknowledging a sexual relationship between him and his male partner to the police during a burglary investigation. they gave him a choice of prison or undergo hormone therapy to receive probation. he chose probation and was forcibly administered diethylstilbistrol (estrogen medication) for one year. he developed breast tissue and became impotent. could be unrelated but he committed suicide in 1954


dai_rip t1_j5yyool wrote

Definitely related, the irony he helped defeat the Germans, then the UK did to him what Hitler did to others. Disgusting


enfiel t1_j60khtp wrote

The Brits sent him to a concentration camp?


dai_rip t1_j62q0tl wrote

They chemically castrated him,then he killed himself. You defend that?


enfiel t1_j64g2oh wrote

No, I'm just saying you can't compare that to nazi treatment.


Vidableek t1_j61iosi wrote

sigh yet another case of some of the most evil himan behavior coming from some of the most religious people. It's never been about personal spirituality, it's about controlling others. Jesus would be proud.


[deleted] t1_j5nbxe4 wrote



MeatballDom t1_j5neyq9 wrote

You've ended up in r/History, our purpose is to discuss past events about things that already happened. Which is why there's an article about things from the past discussed here.


[deleted] t1_j5nhfxv wrote



ethanb473 t1_j5nhp88 wrote

What a pretentious comment. “No journalists should ever be allowed to talk about horrific acts of oppression we should all just forget it and move on” like wtf


[deleted] t1_j5njs73 wrote



skweetis__ t1_j5nl5cw wrote

"this is exaggeration to a hyperbolic endpoint"

"journalists want to perpetually re-prosecute generations-old crimes"

" they should be perpetually prosecuted for the women and children Shaka slaughtered"

It's actually an article in a magazine we're talking about here, not prosecuting people for genocide, but do go on about hyperbole. It's clear that talking about these crimes of the past is threatening to you. The question is why. I have a guess!


TOMMYSNICKLES89 t1_j5q843w wrote

Lmao accuses someone else of hyperbole and then goes on to overuse the word 'perpetually' and make super vague accusations against the general term of 'journalists'. We see your slant, chief. You ain't slick.


dewayneestes t1_j5no703 wrote

This is basically what George Michael was arrested for in the UK, go watch his letterman interview. It wasn’t THAT long ago.