
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j9hykml wrote

Reply to comment by kuweiyox in Divine Lorraine Hotel by FGoose

When it was built in the late 1800s, the neighborhood was an upper middle class community and it was built for the rich as apartments. Sometime after the great migration it became a hotel run by father Divine and his church. Now it’s back to apartments.


IllustriousArcher199 t1_j5ogek2 wrote

States of desire by Edmund White was a pretty good. He writes about the state of gay life in different states, and he particularly mentions Utah. Of course, things have changed, but it gives you a sense of life for gay men in different states and cities pre 1980s.


IllustriousArcher199 t1_j5gxb3y wrote

I always wanted to check it out. I live outside of Philadelphia and it’s one of those places that’s not super far for a drive you make it sound better than I’ve ever heard. Does it have a central core like a downtown? That’s fun to hang in? Always been interested in Presque Isle and the lake. Read a while back about algae blooms in lake Erie is that a thing or super rare?