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CaffeineDose OP t1_jaclza7 wrote

Sounds great but the question is how to update the data in iCloud to make sure when I merge local data with iCloud it reflects the most updated data not to bring older data. My main issue is that I enabled iCloud and then it replaced current with old and so deleted the current data because iCloud wasn’t updated.


gdbjr t1_jae8ew7 wrote

If it were me I would first make sure iCloud sync is turned off from every device I have. I would also make backups of my data where possible.

Second I would pick a single local device and make sure it has all the updated info. (How you do that I don’t have good suggestions)

Next I would log into and delete anything up there so there won’t be a merge, just a fresh sync

Finally I would enable iCloud on my primary device and once I confirmed it was working I would then enable iCloud on any other devices.


CaffeineDose OP t1_jaeblk0 wrote

Will turning off iCloud delete local data?


gdbjr t1_jaecb3k wrote

If you disable lets say disable calendar from using iCloud, you will get a pop up with options:

Keep Data on iPhone

Detele Data on iPhone

That should be the same for the other apple apps like contact and reminders.