Submitted by t3_11dflml in iphone

So I have been an apple fan since the iPhone 3G, and I have almost always exclusively had apple products. Recently, I upgraded to the iPhone 14 pro from the 12 pro. I have so much regret, my photos always look over processed, skin tones look weird, and faces become over detailed. Seconds after I take a photo, be it a selfie or something with the back camera, the photo looks good (plenty of dark shadows, true to life), and then something happens with the processing that makes the photo look like this HDR nightmare.

I have tried ProCamera, Lightroom, and moment, to no avail. Using RAW doesn’t even seem to make a difference. I have tried fooling around with photographic styles, I have tried turning off view in “full-HDR”.

If I try using burst or Live Photos, I can get half-decent results but then there’s absolutely no processing whatsoever. Which is also not what I want. I feel like if I am paying $1500 for a product it’s shouldn’t be this difficult to get a nice contrast rich photo.

It’s driving me insane, and I am on the verge of switching to a pixel or downgrading to an 11 pro or 12 pro. If anyone here is dealing with this issue, mostly cause I feel crazy, please let me know. I can’t be the only one who feels like this camera update has been the worst thing apple has moved towards.

I am to the point that I would rather lug around a DSLR than deal with this.



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t1_ja96tjf wrote

I made the switch from a S22 to a 14 pro and I feel the same about the camera


t1_ja97thi wrote

I feel the same way, it’s especially irritating how they look perfect for the first 0.5 seconds. It’s not even just photos, if I record a video on the front facing camera I end up looking like I’ve applied a heavy Instagram filter. I don’t have perfect skin but I don’t want to hide it.

But on the plus side, it’s a software issue so they can fix it. No way is Apple not aware of this so I hope they’re working on a fix. I really don’t want to go through the hassle of changing my phone. No way am I swapping iPhone for a Pixel or whatever, I even preferred the results on my iPhone X.


t1_jaccy87 wrote

If they do fix it via a forward update, you think they’ll fix the older photos/videos? I hope so. I hope this over-processing is nondestructive.


t1_ja8ajos wrote

Are you seeing this issue in broad daylight or bright indoor conditions? I’ve had my phone since launch and couldn’t be happier with the results. Lowlight conditions is the only time I’ll possibly get an over processed photo. I also shoot in Raw when I want to enable 48MP and do some minor tweaks to the photo.

If your constantly having this issue you may have more of a problem then just processing.


OP t1_ja8c2ff wrote

I might try raw again. But yes, I experience this issue even in bright conditions and window lit scenes.


t1_ja93yzc wrote

RAW isn’t supposed to and doesn’t have post image processing. I saw that you said you want some processing. You’re not going to get any that in raw. What you can do though, is configure your own preset for however you like your photos to look (I use Darkroom) and batch apply it to all of your new photos. That way you can get the benefits of RAW and also get the limited processing you desire.


t1_ja94gyh wrote

RAW shouldn’t have processing, however apples proRAW does have some light processing.


t1_ja95lqq wrote

I hate that Apple tries to sell that as a feature. Like the main reason why I want to shoot raw is because I don’t want a processed photo. It drives me up the wall.


t1_jaaroe5 wrote

you can feel apple is so proud of their own "processing"


t1_jaava85 wrote

I think the primary benefit of ProRaw processing is computational photography stacking images for noise reduction that ends up superior to post-process noise reduction algorithms. Something I primarily notice in astrophotography. And it's not surprising in a way, given how much computational photography goes into making pictures look good on sensors this small. It becomes much less necessary in daylight photos and just doing straight raw is definitely preferable then if you don't want processing.

That part on sensor size (and quality) leads to the next part that more addresses OP's concern though, which is I've seen it put out there that the 14's biggest problem may actually be the improvement in the sensor - Apple may not have backed off the computational side enough to account for the physical camera improvements, resorting to a similar process as is used on previous cameras that now results in an overprocessed look.

Unfortunately, I don't see that improving - Apple seems to just leave each generation of camera as is, even the software side when they would be perfectly capable of adding features from newer generations of phone to older ones in ios, but just wait for you to buy the newer product instead.


t1_jaaclsh wrote

>I’ve had my phone since launch and couldn’t be happier with the results.

You may be the first person to ever say that about the 14.


t1_jaaiyqq wrote

Definitely not lol. Plenty of people love the 14 Pro, strange comment to say.


t1_ja99xg3 wrote

Yeah, I have the same experience with my 13 Pro. I really wish there were an option to almost roll back the processing on pictures to just have a more normal photography experience. I know the photographic styles and shooting in raw can both help, but it still isn't a complete or easy solution.


t1_ja92jkt wrote

cough get the pixel 7 pro cough


t1_jab92ft wrote

Don’t. It’s a good phone (if a bit big) with a gorgeous screen and great software, but if you’re used to the ease of face unlock, the janky AF in-screen finger print sensor (or the non-IR face unlock that starts failing the less light there is, so you never intuitively rely on it) will drive you insane.

Also while I personally like Pixel photos a lot, if you want more natural and less hdr-y photos, I’m not sure it’d be a good choice. All Pixel photos look very processed, with the 7 feeling particularly overly contrast-y as well.


t1_jad3p4j wrote

Tensor is a nightmare chip. Pixel 6 Pro was the worst phone ive ever owned. Turned a Pixel fanboy into an Apple customer.


t1_jaay7nk wrote

I had the same reaction initially a few weeks into the experience. Without a 3rd party app, the only way out is to edit it and reduce contrast, boost saturation a bit and then paste those edits over all your photos during that photo session. Absolutely pathetic to do this for such an expensive phone.

How is this not a widely publicized issue? None of the reviews I saw mentioned this, and most of the comparisons didn't show this. Maybe they were using RAW format.


t1_jabn6d3 wrote

None of the reviewers want to end up in Apple's ban list. Be it a mbkhd or a mrwhosetheboss they will soft sell it.


t1_ja9t92n wrote

Get a Sony


t1_jab9yme wrote

A73 or Bust. Says everyone on reddit. Although it's more important to learn the skills than collect equipment.


t1_ja9vldr wrote

Irony of your comment, guess who makes the cameras for iPhone….


t1_ja9w5qi wrote

The problem is oversharpening, the only phone that steers away from that is Xperia. Do you know other?


t1_jaaglsl wrote

But the Sonys software is garbage. I have owned multiple Xperia devices. The auto photos always look terrible!


t1_ja9vww6 wrote

What's the irony? I don't know any phone that doesn't have Sony sensor.


t1_ja9uqd2 wrote

Came from Android. Had an S21+ Ultra and it really feels like I take less photos now because the camera on the 13PM is not consistent. And the idea that getting an app with a paid subscription is the solution is crazy. Apple is a software company. This should not be an issue!


OP t1_ja9uxav wrote

The only other phone I am considering is a pixel because I have friends who have them and we have taken photos of the same subject and the results are 💯. My problem is I am so god forsaken embedded in this ecosystem.


t1_ja9vev0 wrote

With this being my first (and prob last) iPhone, I am not balls deep in the eco system. So switching back will not be an issue. I will hold onto it for another year. And yes, either a Pixel or back to Galaxy


t1_jab78mc wrote

This!! I switch to the pixel for exactly three days. It was absolute HELL after using apple for 13 years. I switched back but has amazing photos for those three days. I wish there was a simple fix for us.


t1_jaa32v8 wrote

100% agree with OP regarding camera. I think the 14 Pro is the worst/buggiest iPhone I’ve ever had. Not only is the photo quality worse than my 13 Pro but the amount of software bugs is insane. I can’t even swipe home without lag/glitch.


t1_jaacury wrote

I just got a 14 pro last week and I am having the same feelings. I will definitely be looking at the S23 or the S24 next year if it comes out.


t1_jabohuj wrote

It does this whenever there is the least bit of backlighting, I hate it as well.

Here’s the only workaround I know:

Take the photo in raw mode, click on “edit”, you’ll see the post processing go away. In order to make it stick, you have to make some minor edit and hit save. Now share the raw image with yourself via text or email, which converts it to a jpg.


OP t1_jabp3x1 wrote

Wow! This actually worked 😱😱😱


t1_jaccta8 wrote

For real? Taking photos in RAW and doing a small edit took away the overprocessing?

Im about to buy a 14 Pro Max but I’m a photographer, so I’m naturally very picky about image quality. It’s making me rethink my decision.


t1_jad3a9w wrote

Yes it works. I’m a hobbyist photographer. This approach worked for me with my old iPhone 13 Pro, as well as with my current iPhone 14 Pro.

I’d bet money Apple won’t change this for the iPhone 15. They tend to be very stubborn and proud when it comes to back peddling features that don’t work properly. This auto brightening of backlit subjects needs some sort of setting, and/or the ability to edit afterwards. It’s totally broken.


t1_jae6oyp wrote

Thanks for your insights.

I’ll follow the sub to see if they improve it at all (doubt it), but getting a higher storage model would also give me comfort in shooting in ProRAW.


OP t1_jacuen4 wrote

It gave me workable results, I wouldn’t say it’s 100%. If you have an 11 pro or newer I’d stay there until the 15 tbh.


t1_jacvfaq wrote

I’m from Brazil, where iPhones are stupidly overpriced. I’m traveling to NYC in May and I was planning on grabbing a 14 Pro Max, since my 11 is pissing me off already.

I’ll think about it a bit more. Waiting for the 15 would mean paying the stupid Apple tax towards the end of the year.


OP t1_jacxn7n wrote

My best advice is if you have any friends who have it, ask them if you can test it out.


t1_ja99o2a wrote

People in the iOSBeta subreddit are saying it’s been changed some to help it in the latest beta. I guess I haven’t tested it to see


t1_ja9gpfd wrote

What I cant deal with is that the photos are extremely dark contrast. I always have to lower the contrast a bit. On any photo I want to actually look the same as real life.

Bottom line - the phone fails to show what is seen with the naked eye.


t1_ja9qdfl wrote

I’m having the same issues with my 13 pro max but only when taking indoor photos with not a lot of natural light. In daylight and natural light the photos looks great


t1_jaa0xka wrote

That’s deep fusion working. I also hated it but there’s just no way to turn it off. I feel more confident taking photos with my sister’s iPhone 11 rather than my own iPhone 14.


t1_jaara7w wrote

The iPhone 14 is a step backwards along with iOS 16. This feels a lot like the Touch Bar and butterfly keyboard on the MacBook. I hope they put the Apple train on reverse and make it right with the 15.


t1_jabhl3l wrote

Can you post some photos, or especially drops? I have a really hard time believing normal RAWs are overprocessed


t1_jabsg7s wrote

Have you tried to change the photography styles under settings > camera and set it to default? I have an iphone 14 pro too, and I‘m really happy with the photos.


t1_ja9y006 wrote

Personally I always shoot in 48mp pro raw and haven’t had issues. Some people have major camera issues while other devices seem to be okay. Not sure what that’s about


t1_jac6fv6 wrote

I always take my photos in ProRaw, use a shortcut to converter then to HEIC and delete the originals. The results are out of this world, really.


t1_jad39u4 wrote

Pixel 6 Pro had the same issue because of the switch to the bigger sensor. Its fixed now. Will Apple ever even address it?


OP t1_jaenlg2 wrote

I have a friend with a pixel 7 and his photos are always on point. Even straight out of camera they just work. Meanwhile I am over here running my photos through 3 apps just to get something useable.


t1_jaeocp8 wrote

If you find them that bad id for aure switch phones. Apple has had the same processing for like 3 phones in a row


t1_jaek3sz wrote

Go leave a review on the App Store for the camera app, they have a lot of one star reviews stacking up so the more the better


t1_jaaauie wrote

As someone that has a 13 pro and an A7IV there are pros and cons for taking pictures on both. iPhone really surprises me sometimes and other times it’s just so far off of my Sony it’s not funny. iPhone is no mirrorless replacement but it can get some good content and it’s usually the most available and least intrusive.