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tellyyy1 t1_ja6z0jn wrote

I’m sure the 12 pro max is the better phone since it being the “pro” version & jogging it should be okay, if it become a huge problem I’d buy a small bag or those things that you wear around your arm


joonashi t1_ja7bdu4 wrote

Thanks for the reply. Actually, I just ordered 13 pro max. Figured the jump to 120hz and the battery is worth the extra size. I use phone as my main device for basically everything including work / social media and entertainment. Lets hope I made the right choice! :)


tellyyy1 t1_ja8twn7 wrote

If you don’t mind me asking where did you order it from?


joonashi t1_ja8v7xf wrote

Not at all. Ordered it from one of the local operators here in Finland.