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fluffer_s t1_j9l8btf wrote

You're coming dangerously close to a tablet screen size. Lol


macs_rock t1_j9lmal0 wrote

I had a Nexus 7 that was .2 inches bigger screen size than my S22U, and less than a quarter of the pixels. That's just the world we live in now.


fluffer_s t1_j9lmthq wrote

I had in mind the Dell Streak 7, but it's pretty much the same size as the Nexus 7.


macs_rock t1_j9lo5iu wrote

Yupp. I'll proudly admit that I'm a big screen freak though, my monitor at home is 43" and I came from dual 30" Apple Cinema Displays, so it's in my blood.


fluffer_s t1_j9lsb2t wrote

Don't mind such big screens for myself as well hehe, but on phones it's a little bit of a different story. My hands get tired if I hold my phone for too long 😅