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Polrous t1_j7v2vf3 wrote

That is because when you zoom in on digital zoom ranges (not talking the default selectable .5x, 1x, 2x, 3x, anything in between those and beyond 3x which is digital zoom).. Apple decided “we should force photos to go through AI upscaling to 12MP”. It is where the dreaded water painting effect comes in full force, otherwise it is usually fine when bounding yourself to physical lenses.


Idontmatter69420 t1_j7ve6v4 wrote

Yea i actually noticed that it did it last week, it actually made it look slightly better and also i am aware of digital zoom


Polrous t1_j7vrvyc wrote

I mention most of that because I actually didn’t know that myself until recent months, that upscaling part. I assumed for the longest time it would just capture as-is and not upscale the image to 12MP. It’s rather weird but I guess it’s what Apple assumes consumers “want”


Idontmatter69420 t1_j7wry6s wrote

They assume a lot of things, like us not wanting usb or not wanting ipods