id31 OP t1_jac6yg6 wrote
That’s cool!
UnusualWeirdo t1_jacut5a wrote
the-cosmos42 t1_jadlq4q wrote
a man of culture
opti-mist t1_jacqojb wrote
TeacherOfFew t1_jacox8q wrote
Sports Alerts
It does what it says.
Objective-Slice-1466 t1_jadtjsz wrote
Downloaded this last night. Outstanding with Apple Watch as well. Love this app.
TeacherOfFew t1_jaermr0 wrote
It’s giving me fits. I follow several teams and have to keep going into the settings.
Splatoonkindaguy t1_jad9anh wrote
Agreed. Even gives play details
AnteaterFree6480 t1_jado0kh wrote
Flighty (flight tracker) does on an outstanding job
Dakupo t1_jact55m wrote
iPhone 12 Pro- I have all relevant settings on but have never seen this with Uber Eats or Uber…🤷🏻♂️
appletrades t1_jacxeu2 wrote
Uber recently just started to roll it out to all users. Make sure you app is up to date.
somegummybears t1_jacmst9 wrote
Transit app
starsandbribes t1_jad8666 wrote
You have your calendar/temperature/sunset order exactly like mine. I’ve convinced my partner and family to do the same thing it makes the most sense. What you’re doing that day, what the weather range is and when it gets dark are like the three most useful things to glance at.
Pepperidgefarm21 t1_jaczvr5 wrote
is your background updated with weather changes? If so how do you do that? lol
starsandbribes t1_jad7y5e wrote
Its one of the default options iPhone has made when you go into selecting you lock screens.
Pepperidgefarm21 t1_jad8h27 wrote
Cool thanks
LogMeln t1_jadxcun wrote
wow ive been using Uber and Lyft and haven't seen this on my up to date iPhone 14 pro... i wonder what the deal is...
edda-xm t1_jac2svm wrote
I really like EasyPark so that I can see how much is left on my time without opening the phone