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dskatter t1_ja7v6pb wrote

Simple solution to all of this: have a long passcode, and never enter it when you’re not in private or can’t cover part of the phone with your hand.

This is such an overblown non-issue.


mblend27 OP t1_ja7vp7q wrote

Agreed, how many lashings do I get sir?


dskatter t1_ja7wiiv wrote

Just an eyeroll.

It just amazes me how many oblivious people in the world will lock up their valuables but not take even the slightest bit of precaution with the portable computer with all their personal info that they constantly carry around.

“OMG SOMEONE TOOK MY PHONE AND SOMEHOW CRACKED MY CODE! Those dastardly geniuses somehow figured out my/my kid’s four digit birth month and year!”


mblend27 OP t1_ja9g6bk wrote

To their credit, manufacturers lockdown phones much more restrictively than computers, giving false sense of security


krypt1xx t1_jab1ra5 wrote

I laughed too hard at this🤣🤣


mblend27 OP t1_jab1wql wrote

And get it was downvoted into my grave