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denislemire t1_jdxc4iz wrote

No they aren’t. This satellite feature is extremely low bandwidth. Starlink is measured in hundreds of megabits. Both use satellites, that’s where the similarity ends.


TehFalcon t1_jdxcjne wrote

StarLink has the same service through t-mobile as apples emergency Sat feature.

They are competing. Apple absolutely will build out GlobalStar to compete with StarLink in more ways. Like it or not they are competitors.


denislemire t1_jdxcxk6 wrote

No. They won’t. Starlink can do what GlobalStar can do. GlobalStar can’t do what Starlink can.


TehFalcon t1_jdxd54l wrote

You have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes 😂. More than one company can do the same thing buddy

GlobalStars current network is low speed, but they absolutely are gearing up to create a high speed network. This is good news, StarLink doesn’t need to be a monopoly.


denislemire t1_jdxf1cx wrote

I’ll wait here while you slowly wait for GlobalStar to orbit more than their existing 25 satellites. Space X puts up about two GlobalStars per Falcon launch. 😆


TehFalcon t1_jdxhl3h wrote

🙄 another elon hypebeast


denislemire t1_jdxjizx wrote

If you think the $450 million Apple invested to use Globalstar's 25 satelite network will directly compete with the $80 billion invested to build Starlink 3300+ satelite network, I don't know what more to say to you.

At best, the low bitrate emergency messaging/location feature Apple's investment gave the Globalstar network a post-Starlink reason to exist.

Globalstar's market cap is under 2 billion dollars. Investors can thank Apple its still worth anything at all.

You're right about one thing though. Someone on this thread has no idea what they're talking about.


TehFalcon t1_jdxjqcf wrote

And that someone is you. That’s only apple’s first round of investment. Things don’t happen overnight. Keep being a shill for elons company though. StarLink was best to market by other Sat companies too :)

Apples Market Cap dwarfs spaceX’s ;)


denislemire t1_jdxl682 wrote

I love Apple too... but they're going to need to spend a lot more than $450 million to get a Starlink competitor. If they doubled their initial investment every year starting now it'd take 8 years for them to surpass where Starlink is today... IF Space X decided to launch their birds at cost (why would they do that?)...

Apple has the capital to buy Space X outright, with their loose change but that's not what we're talking about here, is it?

As it sits today and the foreseeable future there is zero comparability between the two offerings.

Amazon wants to build a comparable network but I'll reserve judgement until they get their first bird in the sky.