iOS 16.4 Camera non genuine warning, I got this phone new from at&t last March and never had any replacements or issues until this.
Submitted by DrSlapathot t3_123195q in iphone
Reply to comment by No-Awareness-1834 in iOS 16.4 Camera non genuine warning, I got this phone new from at&t last March and never had any replacements or issues until this. by DrSlapathot
Do you believe something else? And why?
Software issues can cause a whole load of "hardware warnings". This guy says he has done nothing to his phone, when a random update does this it is absolutely not a hardware problem. Especially when it just happens randomly, after an update.
But of course, because it's Apple, there's nothing you can do to investigate or repair the software issue yourself. That does mean that this subreddit could basically be replaced by a flowchart with, at the end, "contact Apple"
And how is that the fault of this subreddit? And why would it be any different with, say, a Samsung phone? Their hard- and software is also closed source.
Did I fault the subreddit? Why are you taking this personally?
It's different because Android is just more open, if you replace the camera you will not get some stupid warning that the part is unknown. Android is open-source, do you know what you're talking about?
> Did I fault the subreddit?
> This subreddit is absolutely useless for actual tech support man, nobody knows anything and they’ll all just tell you to go back to the store.
> Android is open-source, do you know what you’re talking about?
AOSP is open source. Samsung’s specific flavour of Android including their drivers and UI skin is closed source.
I’m not faulting anything. I’m stating a fact. This sub is useless for tech support.
> Samsung’s specific flavour of Android including their drivers and UI skin is closed source.
Not even half as much as iOS.
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