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NurseSmith93 t1_je412a2 wrote

USB C coming? 🤔


Rottenpigz180 t1_je4ips7 wrote

It’s been long confirmed that the iPhone 15 will have USB C


johnzy87 t1_je4ou78 wrote

Nothing is confirmed as apple never confirms anything until their keynote presentations.


xerexyz t1_je4rtwn wrote

You are right, knowing Apple it will be a port that is usb compatible, but faster if you use an Apple cord that doesn’t come with the phone. Maybe it will be magnetic and use it’s own microprocessor. Who knows…. But it won’t just be a simple usb.


Rottenpigz180 t1_je50o5w wrote

Apple confirmed it in 2022 you can search engine it


johnzy87 t1_je51hcu wrote

“We have no choice” was their response to the EU mandating usb c. This does not mean they have to do it this year as it is mandatory in 2024 which means the iphone 15 could still have no usb c. Although I don’t think they will take that route. Knowing apple they might just not give a port at all and go full wireless 😆.