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OranjeBrian t1_jdrjw5k wrote

Does it not need iOS 11 and above to run? I know you said it worked on iOS 8 but that was that not an old install? This is a new one and is probably hitting a compatibility issue?


Beneficial_Lime_268 OP t1_jdrkihu wrote

Yes, but it asks me if I would like to download the latest compatible version and I clicked yes. That worked on iOS 6 and iOS 8. But when I updated to iOS 9 everything stopped downloading


RedditAnoymous t1_jdrpgmf wrote

It’s a fuck up from Apple.. when re-downloading an offloaded app, and the latest version of the app demands a later firmware, it doesn’t download the latest compatible version nor does it ask to do so. It just “download” and then doesn’t install.

If you go to App Store, search for the app and redownload it from there, it will ask if you would like to download latest compatible version , yet, it flunk to install it..

The solution is.. Download those apps via your Bought History list instead.. it will ask to install latest compatible version.. and NOW it does download AND install latest comp version!


Secret_Ad_6520 t1_jdsefuy wrote

bro you’re stuck in 2015


Beneficial_Lime_268 OP t1_jdsfhiw wrote

All jokes aside, I love jailbreaking old Apple devices and messing with them. Obviously the 4s isn't my main device