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PeanutButterChicken t1_iuhz6jf wrote

FaceID is terrible, especially on the 14 Pro Maxbut at least unlock with Apple Watch usually works. Most of the phone is fine, but the second you try doing something that is outside of the lines Apple draws, you’re usually fucked.

Try making a shared album then changing the dates it shares from. You can’t. You need to delete it and start all over.


markhewitt1978 t1_iuj6lcy wrote

How is FaceID not working for you. I've used it with the XSMax from when it came out and now iPhone 14. It's so seamless that 99% of the time I don't even notice it's happening.


mankodaisukidesu t1_iujtcku wrote

Yeah same, I was even impressed that it works when wearing sunnies too


golf1415 t1_iuk48oc wrote

Same. I’m moving back to android, but I will surely miss FaceID.