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Connor_lover t1_iufvlx2 wrote

I also went with the pro but my reason wasn’t the same as yours — I did it because pro was the only phone available at that time, I was impatient and impulsive, didn’t want to wait ~2 months and thought of just buying it (tbh my old phone was nearly 4 years old and dying so I didn’t have much of a choice). And couldn’t be happier with my choice. This feels too heavy and a kinda big, so I can only imagine how the max would feel in my hand.

The battery thing doesn’t bother me as much because when I’m out, I rarely get the time to use my mobile that much, so the charge never goes down to zero. Moreover, most places have chargers and ports to charge it. If I’m going on a vacation or something where I’ll be using my phone for longer time, I’d take a power bank or something. And I know how to efficiently use my phone — once charge goes below 30%, I’d put it in power mode.

The only thing better in max is the screen size. But aside from the wow factor, the extra screen doesn’t add up to anything. It’s not bigger by a large margin (area wise, it doesn’t increase that much). Things are still pretty small and crowded — it’s not like you are getting an iPad’s or foldable’s screen size. You can’t do split screen tasks. So the amount of problem it poses (heavier, bulkier, can’t use one-handed) doesn’t justify the bigger form factor imo.