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NathanEmory t1_it319h2 wrote

Okay but hear me out. You get in a small fender bender and don't want to deal with insurance and raise your premium so you make a deal with whoever was involved, but TOO LATE the police show up to write a report and now your insurance is notified without warning


FTorrez81 OP t1_it33asx wrote

There’s a countdown if I’m not mistaken which gives you time to cancel if you don’t want it to call emergency services


R_Meyer1 t1_it387x0 wrote

If you didn’t hit the cancel button that’s your fault


Alvpin t1_it4rpol wrote

If you are conscious enough to think about not wanting the insurance involved, then you are also conscious enough to hit the button and stop the countdown before the call is made.

If in the other hand you are NOT conscious, you'll be thankful that emergency services and police are called; and the insurance stuff will be the least of your problems.