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Gnisha t1_it3jw7n wrote

First Responders will not be checking your phone to see your medications, blood type, etc. It just wont happen. They don't have time.


Davideer t1_it3k9kk wrote

You can enable “share during emergency call” and your phone will automatically send the information to emergency services.

They could potentially have the information before they even arrive


kalshassan t1_it5kdyr wrote

We do have time. We will be checking. We do check. Please fill in the emergency information on your cell phones


Frognificent t1_it6ifc9 wrote

Boutta say, if I’m ever fucked up and unable to talk and no one’s immediately there to tell doctors shit, they gotta check my emergency information - best case they think I’m just a junkie hopped up on amphetamines, worst case they accidentally fuckin’ kill me. ADHD and penicillin allergy. You can bet your ass I got that in my emergency info.


moondust574 t1_it5yz6w wrote

>We do have time. We will be checking. We do check. Please fill in the emergency information on your cell phones

Honestly for some people they will be checking. Older people, super young people, people with suspected conditions, there are all sorts of cases where this information can be utilized.