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Denovanrex t1_j2403zl wrote

Could be on legal basis


mhmower t1_j24uy0u wrote

Wait, hold the iPhone! I thought that this was completely verboten. That mass shooting/terrorist attacked in California a few years back, the fbi was competing shut down, no?


isahilkumar OP t1_j240mqp wrote

But how, do they have iCloud access or what ? If yes, then it could be exploited.. If someone dies by suicide isn’t that right to protect the privacy of deceased. She was not a terrorist afterall


dskatter t1_j240s8u wrote

Apple can and will unlock accounts for next of kin with proof of death and such.


Denovanrex t1_j2411om wrote

Apple brought a new feature, advanced protection with end to end encryption, which users have responsibility to activate.


Tapfere1Kater t1_j25p3bx wrote

Well… it is not available in my Country (Germany) and quite some other Countries I heard.


tubezninja t1_j25qb4a wrote

It’s also not (yet) available in India, where OP’s post is taking place.


BestBodybuilder7329 t1_j24y1x3 wrote

Most likely account recovery. The family would know her email, and have access to her trusted phone number. This is they would need to start account recovery. Now they wait out recovery, reset the password and restore from a backup.