Submitted by anonymous087543357 t3_zz4eq9 in iphone

This may be a little sarcastic, but explain like I’m five why my husbands location isn’t available when he works in the middle of a town covered with cell towers and his employer has Wi-Fi?

His is the only Location services in the world that don’t work and nobody knows why?

Edited: someone didn’t like my sarcasm



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casper75 t1_j29effq wrote

Next time you’re in town with him and his phone, make sure location services is on and show him how it works. Then ask why he keeps turning it off.


JDdiah t1_j29gnr1 wrote

By the order of the bro-code section 420 we cannot provide a reason for the same.

Edit: Someone didn't like me sarcasm...


mrchumblie t1_j29phsp wrote

He’s maybe turning it off… for odd reasons. Sorry.

That or it is genuinely not working or the settings aren’t correct


Temetzcoatl t1_j29q119 wrote

Could be carrier signal issues, buildings blocking signal, location svcs turned off for find my app, is underground, etc.