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veganfuccboi t1_j14r1wr wrote

That absolutely did not fall out of your iphone 13 pro. That is not a part of the phone.


veganfuccboi t1_j14rk0s wrote

Definitely not the phone. The phone in the picture looks perfectly normal. Moreover, there are youtube vids showcasing a teardown of the 13 pro. Wherever that piece of metal came from it's 100% not from the phone. Your 13 pro is fine, nothing to worry about.


Willinton06 t1_j14ru9p wrote

If that was on the phone then you just solved a problem, that should not be there, it’s not in mine, or any I’ve ever seen


[deleted] t1_j14tu5o wrote

Do you own another phone? It seems to be a ear speaker mesh of an Android phone.


Aftershock_7582 t1_j14u0mv wrote

Looks like the speaker grille that was on my Samsung S6 Edge


TWYFAN97 t1_j14uqek wrote

Clearly people don’t know anything if they are downvoting me lol. That piece is normally well adhered to the earpiece and doesn’t come off like that.


TWYFAN97 t1_j14uzch wrote

It is indeed part of the phone. The earpiece mesh should not be visible like that. That grill piece that somehow fell off is part of the earpiece and acts as protection for it.


veganfuccboi t1_j14vyel wrote

That is not the earpiece mesh, the earpiece mesh can clearly be seen in the top photo on the phone.

The earpiece mesh is exactly that, a mesh. The thing OP is showing is a piece of solid metal with some holes in it.


Glass-Strike-6073 t1_j14w1d5 wrote

This is not an iPhone part but it probably was stuck to the magnet in your ear speaker.


pc_n t1_j14wofy wrote

It's maybe from glass screen protectors. esr brand have one like this.


barbarick1ller t1_j14x5n2 wrote

Do you have a screen protector? I had one fall off and it fell off, turns out it was the screen protector not from the phone.


badg0re t1_j14xb1o wrote

But… they the same, and thing on finger is different, I mean on your phones speaker grill is like metal fabric and thing on finger is like solid aluminum with holes.


ImChimeraX t1_j14xguo wrote

Show me an iPhone 13 with a silver speaker grill with large holes like that and pointy edges.

When you realise you can’t, you’ll realise why you’re being downvoted.

Yes, it’s likely a speaker grill, but no, it’s not from an iPhone 13. It’s the wrong shape, colour, and design.

It’s likely that the magnets in the iPhone speaker attached this bit of magnetic trash and caused OP some confusion about it.


TWYFAN97 t1_j14xxry wrote

OP is showing the rear part of the earpiece cover which is why it looks like that. I repair iPhones as a side hustle I know what I’m talking about. Regardless a part is missing from the earpiece and damage can impact how it appears.


iPhone_3GS t1_j14yszm wrote

Does this have an original Apple screen?


veganfuccboi t1_j14z2ip wrote

Wrong, the rear part of the earpiece speaker for the 13 pro does not look anything close to that. There's videos on the internet that disprove you, there's common sense that disproves you, you can watch a jerryrig teardown of the phone and it will disprove you, but it seems you're so adamant on your stance, despite it being demonstrably wrong, that I sincerely doubt you'd believe apple's own engineers if they told you it's not true.

That metal piece did not come from OP's phone.


ImChimeraX t1_j14zs5v wrote

That piece looks nothing like any part from an iPhone. I mean maybe you need glasses or something, but looking at photos for iPhone parts you can clearly see there’s no part of the grill or earpiece assembly that looks remotely like that.

I’m happy to be proven wrong next time you take an iPhone 13 apart, but from my own experience repairing the odd phone, and from tear down videos, and parts catalogues I can’t see why you’d think it’s from OPs phone.


Space_Monkey667 t1_j152dm8 wrote

It’s of the screen protector ig , many screen protectors have one covering the ear piece


superm0bile t1_j155s8i wrote

The “are you dumb?” comment while you’re calling two completely different components the same is just the chef’s kiss of Reddit user arrogance. Please use your good eyes and try again, buddy.


Apprehensive_Yak4111 t1_j1567d4 wrote

I'm going to be completely honest. That looks really nice. Apples should make something like that


TWYFAN97 t1_j157y9h wrote

Yet I’m not wrong and ignorant users who think they know better are the ones who are wrong. Obviously the metal piece is missing and OP is clearly showing what’s left of it.


z2ocky t1_j158w3n wrote

You must be pretty stupid to think that grill is even comparable to the picture posted by OP lmao. Calling others dumb when you sound stupid is hilarious.


TWYFAN97 t1_j1592od wrote

What’s more hilarious is people forget the part in question was damaged since it was never meant to be removed from the phone. We are also not looking at it from the front but the back which is why it may appear different in addition to the damage.


oOLunaLinxOo t1_j159krj wrote

You should visit an Apple store


mihneaxgod21 t1_j15a5z4 wrote

I have a friend with an iphone 12 and he has this mesh too!


veganfuccboi t1_j15a88s wrote

You're saying the metal piece is from behind the earpiece speaker, yet the phone op showed us in the photo looks intact and absolutely identical to the one in the photo you keep repeatedly posting in this thread.

As a self-proclaimed phone repair hobbyist can you explain how that metal piece that is clearly larger and thicker than the gap between the display and the borders of the phone somehow came from the behind the earpiece and got outside, yet the phone in OP's photo doesn't appear damaged in any way whatsoever.

Again, look at the phone in OP's photo, and the one in your photo. Despite his photo being slightly blurry, you can clearly make out that both earpieces look the same.


Wassermelone196 t1_j15bmwi wrote

Unfortunately you’ll now have to buy a iPhone 14 pro Max with 1tb


PhilRoberts33 t1_j15crqg wrote

Glad it fell out because it shouldn’t have been there to begin with.


Sir_Lagz_Alot t1_j15dmo0 wrote

But you can see the indentation for the grill tho. And there’s something in it. The grill. You can clearly see its mesh in the photo. Compare it to your phone.

Besides, the grill is rounded, not sharp. That piece wouldn’t even fit in.

The grill isn’t naturally flush 100% with the screen. There’s always a small dip, which is that “indentation” you see. With a grill resting there.


KacikSifirBir t1_j15e6pk wrote

Writing this from a 13 and it’s not that phones part


Marko787 t1_j15ecos wrote

That’s not the mesh iPhones have


Brawndo_or_Water t1_j15ey7d wrote

You sound like the kind of guy who just watched a couple of mr mobile and mkbhd videos and suddenly think he's a phone expert. The cherry on the cake is that you are calling people dumb.


TWYFAN97 t1_j15fbwt wrote

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong. But this is Reddit of course and most people don’t know what they are talking about especially in this thread. I’ve repaired many phones over the years and I wouldn’t make a statement unless I knew what I was talking about.


PeaceGunner t1_j15fjsw wrote

Its a dust preventinator, its purpose is to prevent nuke any dust preventing it from going in the phone speaker. When you warm it up enough with your fingers it'll actually liquify and find its way back to its place.


ANAL_FUCK_JUICE_YUM t1_j15hw81 wrote

You're hilarious. You can literally take 30 seconds to google images of the iPhone 13 Pro earpiece and see that the part OP is holding is absolutely not it, and their phone is normal. And you've dozens of people here who own the thing saying the exact same. But no, you're right and everyone else is wrong. The irony of you complaining about people on reddit being arrogant is making me thing you are trolling.

Know when to quit.


TWYFAN97 t1_j15iat6 wrote

Take a look at this pic and tell me with a straight face it looks identical to what OP has. The picture OP is showing has the metal grill piece with the holes clearly missing. I had a 13 Pro and it’s obvious OP is missing that part of the speaker assembly. Multiple people blindly stating something doesn’t make them right, but that’s the Reddit hive mind there.

I only make posts or replies to inform I don’t waste my time like some people who do so to troll.


NohrianInstinct t1_j15ivx1 wrote

Not a big deal. It's not from the iPhone to begin with.


aRman______________ t1_j15ixjg wrote

If have a glass on your phone it might be the mesh form the screen protector


serbiana96 t1_j15j0uf wrote

Thats from the screen protector


Nike_486DX t1_j15jczq wrote

Its a dust protector that usually comes with some screen protectors. Actually a neat thingie, right now i have a small dent in the speaker grill (13 pro too), which could have been avoided if there was a protector like this.

Its purely cosmetic tho, as its not a part of the iphone. Just a protector


Various_Carob9358 t1_j15je01 wrote

Is it possible you had a screen protector that included a ear piece grill on it?


Sixstringerman t1_j15jw4v wrote

Are people blind here? This is obviously a different shape than the earpiece of an iphone.


unWELC0MED t1_j15k4tz wrote

I think those are mostly for cosmetic purposes You should be fine.


Sir_Lagz_Alot t1_j15kh29 wrote

I’m looking at your photo, OP’s photo, and my phone. And they all match. And clearly there’s tons of people here who also have iPhone 13s or newer, are they all making this up?

“Reddit hive mind” lmao, you’re trying to find problems where there aren’t any.

And FYI, the dot pattern on OP’s image of the “missing grill” doesn’t match the pattern on the speaker. I’d know, I’ve repaired these phones before.


s1lver_v t1_j15lh5c wrote

nothing fell out of your phone lmao my 13 pro top speaker looks exactly like yours and mine is intact idk where you got that mesh from but it didnt fall out of ur phone


pixeley88 t1_j15m53e wrote

The iPhones have WAAAY more holes than that!

Edit: it might be fake?


ricoh18 t1_j15nes7 wrote

My 13 pro microphone looks identical and nothings missing from mine as far as I know


dimlylitmurder t1_j15nna8 wrote

Speakers are magnetic, and that’s a small piece of metal, I’d assume that the earpiece speaker of your phone just picked up that little piece of metal from like your pocket or something, as it’s not part of the iPhone! You should be fine op


catsagamer1 t1_j15o265 wrote

looks like it’s from a screen protector


dddanger-zone t1_j15pxgc wrote

I wouldn’t use that fingerprint for anything important anymore…


Xindependent777 t1_j15ry5a wrote

Yeah unfortunately only we iPhone users are stuck with old mesh style ear speakers.. I love iPhone I really do, but the amount of outdated stuff in it.. it just shouldn’t be like this..


Techgeek_025 t1_j15u49x wrote

Take it to a store. I don’t think that’s good.


Cool-Newspaper-1 t1_j15w639 wrote

Thing is, if people still aren’t aware that companies want to make a profit rather than work against the competition, they look - let’s say it this way - like they don’t have too much of a clue of what they’re talking about


beanie_0 t1_j15wdp2 wrote

No, probably, probably not.


joseph-parsons t1_j15wzz4 wrote

I'm fairly certain that didn't come from the iPhone 13 itself; I just checked my brother's near new 13 Pro Max (which I think is the same as the non-Max variant), and the mesh looks identical to the close up of the iPhone you included in your photo. Perhaps it came from something else (case/screen protector) as other's have suggested.


KingOfTheCouch13 t1_j15x923 wrote

All he was saying is that it's "funny" Apple went on to be their toughest mobile chip competitor after working so closely with them. Imagine if your and your friend start a bakery. You open several very successful chains and he goes on to become a world renowned pastry chef.


Cool-Newspaper-1 t1_j15xwkc wrote

Except that two multinational companies are in no way comparable to a friend and Samsung was and still is a huge manufacturer for chips, they just lost one of many customers who decided to design their own chips. What Apple hasn’t done though is, in your analogy, a world renowned pastry chef while Samsung still has ‘normal bakeries’. They’re still very close competitors.


tbone338 t1_j16095o wrote

That’s not from your iPhone.


thatdude473 t1_j161ood wrote

Do you use a screen protector? Some of those have little mesh grilles like this.


Flyhotstuff t1_j162w77 wrote

This grill actually isn't part of the phone. Idk where it came from but how it looks now is how it's supposed to look. That thing you're seeing on the phone still is the mesh. Apple meshes look nothing like what you're holding.


tomelwoody t1_j163lld wrote

The earpiece is the wrong shape and the holes are not correct. May have been an incorrectly fitting piece or a fake post, we will never know for sure.

Discussion has gone as far as it can and needs no more. Locked this will stay.