Submitted by HeskethV12 t3_zx0l0c in iphone

Hello, I'm currently an iPhone 7 user. I have owned this phone for 5 years now. Currently, in 2022 the problems start rolling in after I got a legit battery replacement. Now, my microphone won't work, every time someone calls me, they can't hear me nor can I hear them. After fiddling with other apps like voice memos it still won't work. Is it a hardware or software problem? Should I go to my local repair guy? Should I replace the phone entirely with a newer model?



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nc1264 t1_j1xvmyk wrote

iPhone 7 is outdated and will no longer get new updates. If you have the option just replace it


Dirichilet1051 t1_j1y8b65 wrote

Hey, I've been where you are 2.5 months ago and got a new iPhone (14 Plus).

Since you've yet to experience ProMotion on an iPhone, I'd highly recommend trying out an iPhone 14 Plus (near 3-day battery, bigger screen, lightest 6.7 inch iPhone, obviously biased), as well the iPhone 14 Pro models.


Chemical_Ad_8467 t1_j20jyid wrote

I think spending money on a 7 is not worth it anymore, upgrade if you can , if you are on a really tight budget buy like a 8 and save up for a nice upgrade