Submitted by afour23 t3_zzazgh in iphone

I currently have the 13 PM and been considering downsizing to the regular pro..but how much screen real estate am I gonna be losing? I’m a pretty heavy user and love the PM screen size but not the actual phone size and weight. Has anyone done this and regretted it afterwards bc you miss the bigger screen??



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circatee t1_j2ajns7 wrote

I am thinking about the same thing! Albeit, going from an iPhone 12 Pro Max, to a 14 Pro. And, I have the same concerns...


UndeadNineKills t1_j2albd4 wrote

and here I am thinking the same thing… getting sick of the big phone tbh


DoesGavinDance t1_j2auorc wrote

Do you use a case? Consider switching to something thinner. Personally, I always get the biggest screen available and at this point I think I would have trouble using one of the smaller phones.


afour23 OP t1_j2avvng wrote

I do but it’s a really slim one. Doesn’t add hardly any extra size to the phone. I think it would be harder to go from a big screen to smaller than it would be from small to big. I’ll wait and see what the 15 brings to the table next year.


TWYFAN97 t1_j2b507n wrote

If you don’t like the weight maybe go for the Plus? I got used to the weight of the 14PM pretty quick and I have pretty small hands too, the screen and battery life make the phone worth it for me. Other iPhones feel too small now.


TWYFAN97 t1_j2b7ru8 wrote

Yeah that’s a tough one then. I always feel people at least for most the Max is a two handed phone and if you can’t get used to the weight/within a week the smaller phones may be a better option.


afour23 OP t1_j2b8gsj wrote

I’ve had the max since the 11 PM so I’m already use to the size just last couple months been really annoyed by having to use both hands and when I use one it’s a stretch for my thumb. I’m gonna move my Home Screen around and put some apps that I’m using the most down lower and maybe start trying the one handed keyboard more. I’ll deal with it for now bc Ik if I switch to something smaller I’ll regret it


DanK91 t1_j2bc495 wrote

Went from 11PM to 13P. Don’t miss the extra size. Phones have gotten too big.


Caffeinatedgabber t1_j2bv4io wrote

Chiming in because I went through the exact same situation . I came from the 12 pro max and downsized to the 14 pro last week. I am a two-hand texter on the PM and had issues every now and then with the weight of the device after holding it all day. I consider myself to be a heavy user, so I would go hours with my phone in hand or nearby. For example, I used my phone for web browsing, social media, YouTube/Netflix, scheduling/planning, note taking, zoom calls , light gaming…basically everything. I had the 14 pro for a week and regretted every moment. While I appreciated the lighter weight in hand and how easily it fit, I felt like I traded one problem for the next. I didn’t factor in that I’d have to adjust to a smaller keyboard, and the transition just got to be too much. The dynamic island on the smaller screen bugged me, I felt like it cut into the screen real estate way too much which negatively impacted my enjoyment of web browsing and video. In fact, I found myself toting around my iPad during the time I had the pro. Eventually I accepted that the pro was not for me when I found myself considering purchasing an iPad mini for portability to address the needs my pro could not.

My suggestion- go in store and use the demo model and try to do what you’d usually do. And give yourself time to really use it. Test the keyboard, draft an email, watch a few videos, browse the web… If after doing that you’re satisfied that downsizing is the right move, then go ahead. I only wish I had done that first, but I’m kind of impulsive lol. Thankfully I was still within my return window and I was able to exchange the device for the 14 PM.


afour23 OP t1_j2bwvpq wrote

I hate trying to get a feel for a phone at the store bc it’s always attached to some bulky mount with a cable that’s not very long (which I understand why) but i would have to test it out with someone I know at work to get a feel for it. I already know that it’s not gonna feel right and I’ll regret doing it. I love the big screen on my 13 PM