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Lanky_Moose_6036 t1_j6m7f01 wrote


mysteryawaits t1_j6m9020 wrote

Same features too!


BoysenberryTrue1360 t1_j6mn6l0 wrote

Technically not all the same features but it will have the same sensors and the sound recognition feature.


hollowman2011 t1_j6ngnpv wrote

The only sound it will recognize are smoke/carbon monoxide detector alarms unfortunately.


BoysenberryTrue1360 t1_j6ofnpq wrote

I think your right. I was hoping for baby crying at the very least maybe door bell as well.

But yeah even Apple’s press release state:

“With Sound Recognition* HomePod can listen for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and send a notification directly to the user’s iPhone if a sound is identified.”

  • Sound Recognition will be available in a software update later this spring. Sound Recognition may detect smoke and carbon monoxide alarm sounds and send users notifications when recognized. Sound Recognition should not be relied upon in circumstances where users may be harmed or injured, or in high-risk or emergency situations. Sound Recognition requires the updated Home architecture, which will be available as a separate update in the Home app. It requires all Apple devices that access the home to be using the latest software.

gdbjr t1_j6pbgu5 wrote

Doesn't sound nearly as good though. I have 3 OG and 3 minis and the minis are okish. I would call the big ones good.