Submitted by kapppa_777 t3_10pw15f in iphone
FatPuppy1996 t1_j6mh8sc wrote
I bet he feels like a plastic bag
Nugget_MacChicken t1_j6mjk9s wrote
Alright I giggled, take this award.
sauce2011 t1_j6ml5bq wrote
Finally someone has done it.
A lot of people have been waiting for this.
darthmcdarthface t1_j6mo494 wrote
I_use_apple t1_j6moivi wrote
Damn, mind sharing the link for the wallpaper
seanxor t1_j6mosw5 wrote
I have a 13 pro, never saw a reason to upgrade .. until now.
llobotommy t1_j6mq8lt wrote
Now someone do Cyclops.
nathanaelaldred2 t1_j6mrob1 wrote
This was quality on the S10+, Apple falling behind again
JayDaGod1206 t1_j6mult9 wrote
That would be badass
MrPhil17 t1_j6mvgj9 wrote
I always feel like somebody's watchin' me🎶 And I have no privacy🎶
IHate2ChooseUserName t1_j6mw1ce wrote
you are in this hit list now LOL
caadbury t1_j6mx2a6 wrote
what the fuck is this title?
glitchyyr t1_j6mzywk wrote
drifting through the wind
GullibleOnion t1_j6n0ool wrote
wanting to start again
HallowedHumanist t1_j6n0qt0 wrote
I’m laughing more than I should rn
F1-Marshal t1_j6n299z wrote
You can create a post without sharing the wallpaper!
TBoneTheOriginal t1_j6n2hi8 wrote
How about Patrick and Bert?
Reasonable-Ad9987 t1_j6n2o6s wrote
I just got a 14 Pro, seriously trying to find wallpapers that incorporate the floating island. Anyone have anything?
llobotommy t1_j6n2qhs wrote
Love it!
[deleted] t1_j6n2sn7 wrote
TypicalGamer88 t1_j6n6wvf wrote
Just screenshot the post, duh. /s
Edit: I didn’t think y’all needed the /s, but there you go.
wildcollector t1_j6n75et wrote
Makes me want to upgrade as well
[deleted] t1_j6nbmuj wrote
Sebu91 t1_j6nbqxr wrote
How’re you not gonna post the whole picture?
hyperion420 t1_j6nel44 wrote
That is… so dumb lmao
da1eb t1_j6nhgya wrote
It’s been on android for years
TypicalGamer88 t1_j6nhlkb wrote
It’s supposed to be satire. I thought it was pretty obvious because of how stupid the advice I gave was, but apparently not.
Ill-Appointment6494 t1_j6niotu wrote
Search for an app called Dynamic Notch. There’s a few on there.
hyperion420 t1_j6nj91x wrote
Don’t worry man, I found this funny
Tecon t1_j6njdlo wrote
Brilliant! - Could you please share the JPG used for this wallpaper!?
AgentNo_69 t1_j6noexr wrote
You are about 👌🏼 this far away from getting nuked .
NotDukeofCornwall t1_j6nosph wrote
Same. It took almost 5 years for me to upgrade from the 8 to the 13 but this is really making me want to upgrade again.
BlazeWatchingAnime t1_j6npebc wrote
lmao, gotta make use of the pills like how S10 5G did
qaoock t1_j6nq9h8 wrote
this_isnt_alex t1_j6ntfjd wrote
iTs beEn oN AnDrOid FoR YeArs
lukehp12 t1_j6nv7n6 wrote after some digging here it is
lukehp12 t1_j6nvh35 wrote here’s the link if you want it
lukehp12 t1_j6nvirb wrote link to Download
lukehp12 t1_j6nvlf2 wrote
Tecon t1_j6nxe90 wrote
Thanks a lot!
Mobius135 t1_j6nxyb4 wrote
Top of all time r/s10wallpapers, except they took it a pinch further
WorldCupMexicanChile t1_j6nydfg wrote
Now that’s dope.
Also that guy from Star Trek would look bad ass. And even daredevil
Ill-Appointment6494 t1_j6o1k1b wrote
Yeah. Geordi’s visor is orange/gold though so wouldn’t have the same effect.
fallingleaf271 t1_j6oj4mj wrote
The dynamic binoculars
Deivane3000 t1_j6omjk3 wrote
does he ever feels, feels so paper thin?
i-touched-morrissey t1_j6onwjo wrote
This is funny, but why would anyone want to see this fathead on their phone every time they pick it up?
Cannotseme t1_j6oob1k wrote
Kim on iPhone wallpaper, ios 16, Kim16
Idontmatter69420 t1_j6ow27a wrote
Omg i don't think ive ever laughed so much at a wall paper
dubyakay t1_j6owbgq wrote
Wait. Jänner?
[deleted] t1_j6p9cpu wrote
Soace_Space_Station t1_j6pebkc wrote
Wait,you guys upgrade?
Variant-C137 t1_j6mfe2t wrote