Submitted by T-TheCOOKIE t3_10m2oo4 in iphone

Hey guys!

I switched from Android to iOS about 1 year and a half ago and couldn't be happier. My mother wants/needs a new phone but is only used to Samsung. I sometimes think an iPhone would be simpler for her, (could be totally wrong obviously, I just think the software is easier to understand).

I want to get her a new phone because she has done so much for me and I thought I could surprise her but I do not know which model I should get her. What is a good "beginners phone?" She is not a heavy user, she prefers big displays and appreciates long battery life (though nothing can beat the Nokia 3310).

I think between the iPhone SE 2022, iPhone 12 Pro or the iPhone XS.



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lil_sebastian13 t1_j60jruw wrote

From experience working Apple retail, elderly people generally do not like to be surprised with new technology/different technology as they tend to struggle with what they already have and do not want to adapt to something new.

I’d say you’re better of talking with her and telling her that you would like to do this for her, and let her be part of the decision.

If just picking between the three iPhones, I’d say 12 Pro, unless your mom’s current phone has a home button, then I’d go with the SE.


T-TheCOOKIE OP t1_j60kd9c wrote

Good point thank you.

She is used to almost no buttons though.


MangyCanine t1_j61dt1c wrote

Of the choices you listed (assuming she's OK with this), the 12 Pro is the only real choice. All SE phones have tiny displays, and the XS is pretty old. You may have to replace the XS in 2-3 years' time, while the 12 Pro will last longer.

However, since you have to buy a 12 Pro used/refurbished, you need to make sure that the battery is decent. If not, you'll have to pay for a replacement.


T-TheCOOKIE OP t1_j62rq1l wrote

Hmm if I can’t get a new 12 I might as well spend more money on the 13 or even 14


[deleted] t1_j60jltr wrote



T-TheCOOKIE OP t1_j60k5vz wrote

My bad I didn't see it! I just looked up if there were threads about what to buy for parents lol.

I did consider the 13 and the 14 models but I am afraid my mother will kill me if she finds out how much they cost.


mroosa t1_j60uu96 wrote

A few years ago my MIL was looking for a new phone and was asking for recommendations as she was moving from a simple flip phone. Everyone in her family was suggesting Android, as that was what everyone uses. I off-handidly suggested an iPhone might be nice because it was easier to setup and use overall (not as much configuring as Android, though I like both OSes), so she ended up getting an iPhone. Overall, I think she was fine with it, but I found the biggest issue was setting up her services like iCloud and email, etc. I will say that she has trouble with buttonless phones, though, so the SE would be my suggestion. Either way, help with the setup and all of the apps/configuration if you can.


T-TheCOOKIE OP t1_j62rvr3 wrote

I had to set up the other phone too so no worries on that point haha.

Btw is there a chance we can share my Apple ID only for setting the phone up?


mroosa t1_j65ez45 wrote

To be honest, I am not sure. I believe apps will stick around if you switch accounts on the device, you just have to make sure the new account "owns" a license to those apps to continue using (or updating) them.


dislikebuttonz t1_j627fee wrote

obviously not everyone is the same, but in my case my grandpa (72yrs old) got a XS Max a few months ago as he upgraded from a 7+. i thought he would have trouble using it but nope he didn’t need help figuring out the gestures after i showed him ONCE. Just ONCE but after that he learned himself pretty quickly how to navigate the phone which surprised tf out of me as he doesn’t know jack about modern tech

i would personally teach her how to use the phone incase she struggles but if you do it shouldn’t be too bad. with that being said definitely opt for the 12 pro but make sure the battery has decent health


T-TheCOOKIE OP t1_j62rma1 wrote

I will set it up for her anyway and I love helping people with their phones ‘cause for me it’s an easy fix and the other person is usually happy :)

Can I just get used 12pro? I thought I saw some new ones in the web.


MRichardTRM t1_j61p3cm wrote

My parents aren’t tech savvy at all and both love their Pro Max’s. They love how big the phone screens are


Shiningc t1_j63bae7 wrote

You obviously don’t need Pro for a beginner.

Only 13 and 14 series have long battery life.

Only Pro Max and 14 Plus have the largest size (6.7 inches).

SE’s screen is tiny.

11 is good enough for a beginner with a cheap budget.

Regular 13 is probably the best option right now.