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t1_j6jpxaj wrote

Delete some of your downloaded music. Browse through your alite models, do you need ALL of them?

16gigs of photos is massive, you may move them to the cloud.

Get yourself some iCloud (or Google drive, Amazon, whatever) Storage. If you „need“ all that files you shouldn’t rely on the internal storage only anyway… Decent iCloud storage means you can easily only keep the preview images of your photos.

64gigs internal ist clearly not enough for your use case.

Seriously (and by no means I want to abash you) - you have so minimal storage left you surely can’t even install updates. Why are you guys waiting till the very last moment to do something about it?


OP t1_j6jq3cg wrote

Thanks for your help!


t1_j6jqprz wrote

Your welcome 😅

You may try the 50gig plan for iCloud. That should solve your problem the easy way for the moment