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TWYFAN97 t1_j5pkvs0 wrote

Make sure auto brightness is off on the 13 or should be a significantly brighter and better screen than the 6s.


chubuking OP t1_j5szif6 wrote

Auto brightness off, the 13 pro was not as good for action shots and low light. There’s a yellow / grainy tinge with the 13 pro display and it’s quite remarkable.


TWYFAN97 t1_j5t08cg wrote

Based on how you are describing it sounds more like a hardware defect.


chubuking OP t1_j5t1fdy wrote

Will report back perhaps with a video to try and show the difference !


Joonas1233 t1_j5uxc2y wrote

Auto brightness allows the phone to go brighter than manually so keep it on.