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Kirchhoff_Law t1_j6jkocw wrote

You gonna love it and keep it for many years. I changed recently from S22 Ultra to 14 PM and couldn't be happier. It's the complete package


LittleIntroduction55 t1_j6kml8j wrote

same here, came from a Google Pixel 6 PRO to the 14 PRO MAX and couldn't be happier. Even went all out and got a Apple Watch Ultra. Exceeds all of the other Android watches out there and pairs so nicely.


mrafeek t1_j6ltc0k wrote

Apple's ECO system is unbeatable you will feel it when you start using all Apple Devices like get an Apple TV


LittleIntroduction55 t1_j6no9p3 wrote

its amazing to me how far ahead Apple is of everyone else in terms of basic software setups and their own ecosystem. Everything just works flawlessly!


cereal-kills-me t1_j6lvmsu wrote

“You’re gonna keep it for so many years” says the gay trading a brand new $1100 phone for another brand new $1100 phone. S22 ultra is also a perfectly good phone to keep for many years.


I_LickSweatyKneePits t1_j6lw5nr wrote

> “You’re gonna keep it for so many years” says the gay trading a brand new $1100 phone

Holy fuck, my guy, chill


Nudge55 t1_j6n9luf wrote

I think it’s a typo, he meant to say guy. But funny nonetheless.