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mustangs-and-macs t1_j63jfp4 wrote

This is just incorrect. Lens size has nothing to do with minimum focus distance. Each of the 3 cameras has a different MFD, but it’s not because of size.


Decent-Squirrel-6316 t1_j64n8f3 wrote

The closer you want to focus, the further the elements have to be from the sensor.


mustangs-and-macs t1_j69etp0 wrote

Closer than the other guy, but still entirely true. If that were the only factor in focus distance, you wouldn’t have 100mm macro lenses and 100mm tele lenses with wildly different focus distances.

Minimum focus distance is a factor of the focal length of the lens (not the “size” of the lens) combined with the nodal distance of the lens. This in turn determines your magnification ratio, which will distinguish a “macro” lens from a standard lens.

This is Reddit though, so it’s probably fair to say all the downvotes are from people who have absolutely zero clue how optics work.