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k0unitX t1_j9wdci1 wrote

Reply to comment by coladict in So WTF is this BS? by suu-solan

Do you know who also agreed with "Sometimes peoples’ beliefs are easy to misguide because they’re assholes"?

The guys who wanted to carpet bomb all of the middle east after 9/11.

Literal Nazis justifying killing the Jewish.

But sure, continue to think you're on the right side of history on this one. lmao


coladict t1_j9xey9r wrote

"Nazis bad, therefore they believed this exact thing I'm against!"

The nazis believe in a natural hierarchy and that violating it in any way must be forbidden. No women above men, no gender non-conformity, no race being above their own, and of course they needed a scapegoat for all the evils of the world, and they chose the jews, because it's easy to co-opt the existing conspiracies about them and make up more.

None of that comes remotely close to:

> Sometimes peoples’ beliefs are easy to misguide because they’re assholes